WARNING! Has come to our knowledge, that there are unscrupulous companies and/or individuals, wrongfully using our trade mark “Aeromed” or by their own, want to surprise our clients, nationally and internationally, insurance and medical care companies, like this, all the general public, offering services of “medical evacuation” ”air ambulance” or “rescue’’ without having the professional personnel, resources, biomedical aeronautical equipment or the proper infrastructure. The same unscrupulous people, through impressive web pages pretend to be air operators and/or specialize in these activities by showing photos gotten from the internet, that don’t belong to them, as a way of confusing the consumers, who could think they are dealing with a specialized operator, owner of such aircraft. On this matter we need to say that our company is the only one with the trade mark “Aeromed” and logo, registered on INDECOPI in the Peruvian Republic, to protect the health services in general. For that matter, those companies or individuals, not only they are not authorized to use our trade mark, but they are trying to get advantage of the name and reputation of our company, against the law, furthermore they don’t warranty the infrastructure, own aircraft, biomedical equipment for aeronautical use, specialized aeromedical personnel and certifies in aeronautical medicine, aero evacuation procedures, biosecurity and air security; whereas neither have license, accreditation, authorization and/or certification from the appropriated authorities, being a risk to the health of patients they transport. In UNISTAR We believe that our duty is to let you know of those companies and/or individuals who organize the transfer in an empirical and precarious way, hiring a charter fly and using doctors without experience transporting patients by airways with limited resources or inappropriate, exposing that way to a great risk with the objective of earning big money not thinking in the health or some time the life of the people they are transporting, that could arise because of the lack of resources; knowledge of how to handle the patient inside the cabin of an airplane, which is prone to changes in pressure, temperature and others. Thus, don’t let yourself to be surprise and ask for the appropriate accreditation, certification and authorization, as well as their aircraft´s certificate of airworthiness, registration and insurance, which will show you the existence of an aeronautical infrastructure and technical capacity to give the offered service. Avoid risking the lives of patients and/or putting yourself in legal situations!.
Lima, October 2012.